The people of the union usually speak regional languages of Chittagong, but in many languages, the use of centered words of Cox's Bazar is noticed. For example, when we meet someone in Bengali, we want to know how are you? In this way, the people of this place say, "I do not eat wheat?" Historically, with the people of this region, before the present Myanmar, which was called Arakan, there was a connection with the mass movement, which still remains limited. Because of this, some elements of the language of Arakan have been mixed in the spoken language of Cox's Bazar.
Culture is of mixed nature as a seaborne union. An integral combination of Bengali and Burmese culture can be found in Cox's Bazar due to the existence of Muslim, Hindu, and Rakhine populations. Regional deviation, hilaya song, opposite song, lalap, sholak music and dance are very popular in this region. Appreciated. Because the people of this region have been struggling with the disaster and the stormy sea since ancient times, the picture of the movement of local culture and presentation of the culture of the local culture, especially in the daily life of the fishermen community.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS