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At a glance
Rakhain language Chou word from Chaufaldundi excavated. In Rakhain the meaning of the word che. At one time there was a char on the four sides of the Choupaldandi union. Chaufaldundi Union is located approximately 08 kilometers north-east of the world's longest sea beach, Cox's Bazar. Chaufaldundi union is unique in peace with a Hindu militant and Buddhist community.
  1. Name - Chaufaldundi Union Parishad
  2. Chairmen in charge - Mr. Waz Karim Babul
  3. area- 14.71 (class km)
  4. Population - 4,236 people (approx)
  5. Number of villages - 28
  6. Number of mules - 1.
  7. Hat / marketNumber - 3
  8.  Communication medium from upazila headquarters - CNG / rickshaw
  9. Education rate -% (According to the education survey of 2001)
  10.  Government Primary School - 07,
  11.  High School: 3,
  12. Lower Secondary 1
  13.  Primary School (Community) 01
  14.  Madrasah (Dakhil)- 02
  15.  Ebtedayi Madrasa -01
  16. Quami Madrasa -01

Religious institutions

  1.  Masjid-27
  2. Buddhist Bihar- 04
  3. Temple- 07
  4.  Religious places - 2.
  5. Historical / Tourist places - Choupaldandi bridge, Than Sahib Bari, BSCIC (salt), Northern bills
  6. Setting up the UP building -.
  7. Details of newly formed council -
  8. Date of adoption - 23/07/2016 AD.
  9. Date of first meeting - 28/08/2016 AD
  10. Date of Expiration - 27/08/2020 AD
  11. Name of the villages - South Rakhine Para, Madhyam Rakhain Para, North Rakhain Para, South Para South, South Para North, Napeet Para, West Hindu Para, East Hindu Para, Bani Pari, Napeet Para, West Para, Kona Para, North Meij Para , Middle Maize Para, South Maij Para, Ghona Para, Hyder Para, Sikder Parmam Farm Para, Uttara Para, Kalu Fakir Para, New Mahal, Majher Para, New Mahal, Ghona Para, Beepa Para wife, khonakarakhila, Pukuria Ghona, Ghona neighborhood east,